Since 2002, Career Dress has served nearly 5,000 women actively seeking employment.
The Career Dress Boutique is a completely self-funded, non-profit 501c3.
We are operated by a staff of 15 dedicated volunteers.
Career Dress assists clients by referral only, and women must have a job interview scheduled or be in a job-training program before receiving clothing. Our clients come to us from over 75 different agencies, including State of Michigan Welfare-to Work programs, Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Department of Human Services, Homeless, Domestic Abuse, and Drug Rehabilitation facilities.
On the initial visit, women are fitted with new undergarments. They are then given one complete interview outfit along with accessories, appropriate for the industry in which they are interviewing. When a job is secured, women may return to Career Dress for two additional outfits that can be mixed and matched to make several outfits, providing them with the foundation for a professional wardrobe. (Note: Career Dress also provides appropriate clothing for a variety of industries, including scrubs for the medical fields, uniforms for restaurant workers, work boots, etc.).
55 W. Huron Street
Pontiac, MI 48342